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Daikin SUPERUNIT Hybrid 40 Series - High Precision Super Unit (Servo pump)

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A high accuracy hybrid servo pump unit, compiled of a pump & motor, specially tuned controller and pressure sensor. A 3ph, 380V-440V AC, 50/60Hz power supply is necessary.

There are 2 base models for the 40 Series Hybrid Servo pump units available:

  • SUT00S* - Single Pump - Max Flow: 130 l/min - Max Operating Pressure: 210 bar
  • SUT00D* - Double Pump - Max Flow: 200 l/min - Max Operating Pressure: 250 bar

Developed to combine hydraulic technology with Daikin's invertor driven motors (Using their IPM - Internal permanent magnet technology), these units achieve high torque and precsion control. This results in a powerful unit that excels in both torque and efficiency, all while effectively reducing the generation of heat in the oil and reduced noise production. This remarkable combination also significantly reduces energy consumption.

Designed for industrial machinery such as moulding machines and pressues, the motor-pump's exceptional efficiency ensures minimal oil heating which brings several advantages to the user. This includes prolonged lifespan for oil and heat-sensitive components, as well as reduced heat dissipation into the surrounding environment.

In SUT models that are equipped with a manifold and double pump, the primary pump delivers high pressure and low flow. When the flow rate request is higher than the flow rate that the primary pump can supply, the second pump is also activated, guaranteeing the required flow (at lower pressure). The controller (supplied with every unit) must be installed in an electrical cabinet, with the necessary wiring kits sold separately.

Product Features

  • Max 1% Hysterisis and linearity.
  • Energy Saving - high efficiency IPM motors provide huge savings (typically 50%) 
  • Low noise
  • Excluded from high-efficiency motor regulations - Super units that incorporate IPM motors are excluded from these regulations

For price and delivery on a Daikin SUT Hybrid servo pump unit, please contact our sales team by email, or Tel: +44(0)1172 130042 

  SUT00S* SUT00D*
Identification Code 5021 10021 13021 8021 15021 20025
Maximum operating pressure (bar) 206 206 250

Operating pressure range (bar)

- 1st pump (HP)

- 1st + 2nd pump (HP+LP)


2.1 ~ 206



2.1 ~ 206

2.1 ~ 276


2.5 ~ 250

2.5 ~ 165

Operating flow range (theoretical)

- 1st pump (HP)

- 1st + 2nd pump (HP+LP)


0.5 ~ 50



1 ~ 100



1.3 ~ 130



0.8 ~ 38.4

0.8 ~ 80


1.5 ~ 70.9

1.5 ~ 150


2 ~ 56

2 ~ 200

Tank capacity - 100 - 100 - 100
Controller input power 3 Phase, AC 380 ~ 460 Volts, 50/60Hz ± 10%

Vibration resistance

- Motor pump

- Controller


30.0 m/s² 33.3 Hz, 3 directions, X/Y: 2 Hr Z: 4 Hr 

21.6 m/s² 33.3 Hz, 3 directions, X/Y: 2 Hr Z: 4 Hr

Weight: (KG)

- Motor pump without manifold

- Motor pump with manifold

- Controller

























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