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Daikin ZH - Open Loop Control Method Driver (for DC current)

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Market leaders in environmentally responsible heat pumps, ventilation and air conditioning systems for domestic, commercial and industrial applications.

  • The Daikin ZH Open Loop Control Method Driver controls proportional control valve of a open loop control system to an optimum conditions.
  • Owing to the constant-current characteristics, the variations of the supply voltage and output current by a solenoid can cause a temperature rise but this rarely happens.
  • The output radio wave corrugation (dither frequency, amplitude) is et up so that the hysteresis of a solenoid proportional control valve and a resolution power can get the best values.
  • Since the current is controlled by PWM (pulse width modulation) method, heat generation from the drive is reduced to a small amount.
  • As the function (response time adjusting function) varies the output current slowly for the the  variation of step like command input is provided, it enables the oil output to vary in shock-less. (for either build-up or pull-down process, each process can be independently adjusted).

Description ZH-6-10
 Supply Voltage DC24V (1.2A or more)
 Permissible Voltage Variation -20 ~ 30%
Applied Load Proportional Solenoid (DC12V)
Command Input DC 0 ~ 5 V or 1 kΩ
Output Current 0 ~ 1700 mA
Power Consumption Max 52 Va
Input Impedance 72 KΩ
Min Trimmer Adjustment 0 ~ 600 mA
Max Trimmer Adjustment 1700 ~ 600 mA
TMU Response Time 0.05 ~ 3 Seconds
TMD Response Time 0.05 ~ 3 Seconds
Surrounding Temperature -20 ~ 55°C
Surrounding Humidity 25 ~ 95% RH
 Weight 0.4 Kg

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Vat Reg Number: 846644204 Company Registration Number: 5230249

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